in the Mule Mountains of Arizona at an elevation of approximately
5,490 ft. is Bisbee. Once one of Arizona busiest copper towns,
Bisbee today is home to many artists and writers. The town was
named after one of the investors Judge DeWitt Bisbee.
For Families: |
The Queen Mine tour is very fun for children (and adults). They get to dress up in miner's helmets and coats, and ride some cool trains down into the mine. The tours are led by retired miners, so they're pretty neat.
Combine your trip to Bisbee with a visit to Tombstone, and you'll have a great Old West experience.
got its start in the late 1800s when an Irishman named Jack Dunn,
stumbled across some outcroppings of lead and iron while chasing
Apaches in the area. Dunn had stopped to get water but found
the water had a particularly bad taste. While searching for
a better source of water, he spotted the minerals and correctly
identified them as having value.
collected some specimens and showed them to Lt. Rucker and
Byrne. They agreed to become partners and file a claim. However,
the Apache campaigns kept them busy for the next several months.
In the meantime, Dunn made friends with George Warren, another
prospector with a questionable reputation. Dunn and his partners
"grubstaked" Warren (i.e. they gave food, money,
and equipment to him, with the condition that he share what
he found). Warren took his grubstake and headed for Tombstone's
saloons where he spent several weeks, and lost his money and supplies.
When the drunken prospector finally told others what he was
supposed to be doing, he was quickly re-equipped by new partners.
Suffice it to say, when claims where filed in the Mule Mountains,
Dunn, Rucker, and Byrne were not included. The story does
not end here. Two years later, in 1877, George Warren, while
drunk, bet his share that he could outrun a horse in a 100
yd. foot race. Of course he lost — and what a
loss it was. He later died of pneumonia, completely broke.
He had lost his remaining claims to his so-called "friends"
who had him declared insane. Once his claims were transferred,
he was declared sane again.
The mining camp quickly began to grow, and became a town in
1880. In 1889, the railroad arrived, replacing mule-driven
hauls. The town quickly grew, built within two canyons:
Main Street (or Tombstone Canyon) and an adjoining canyon
that became known as Brewery Gulch. A resident by the name
of Seiber had a saloon next to his brewery, so residents named
the gulch after the brewery. Over time Brewery Gulch became
infamous for its saloons, breweries, and dance hall girls.
Prominent citizens also lived in the area, building fancy homes in the area.
Many of the homes in the area still cling to the mountain
Bisbee has a long and colorful histry, with lynchings, fires,
floods, numerous holdups of Bisbee's stagecoaches, a gunfight in 1883,
and the rounding up and shipping out of 2,000 I.W.W. (Union
members) by 2,000 armed men in 1917.
famous Lavender Pit is a strip mine visible from the roadway
and is hundreds of feet deep. The Pit was initially only expected
to last until the 1960s, but it lasted until the early 1970s.
At the end of its life, it was profitably making copper from
ore that was grading only approximately 1/2 percent copper.
It is estimated that by 1975 Bisbee had produced an estimated
eight (8) billion pounds of copper, 370+ million pounds of
copper, 95+ million ounces of silver, and close to 3 million
ounces of gold.
Queen Mine tour takes visitors into an old copper mine. It is a historical tour that provides good insight into how
mining was once done. Visitors are taken into various parts
of the mine by former miners and shown around. Please note:
The mine is well ventilated and is safe, and there is still copper in the mine. This is an enjoyable
tour. You can find information on the Queen Mine Tour on their website.
today can also enjoy a visit to the Lavender Pit, Bisbee's Queen
Mine, downtown, Brewery Gulch, and tours of the city. Bisbee's
semi-famous art cars and remnants of its Trolley Car system also spice up the downtown. The
city also has a famous race where visitors run up steps by
the hundreds. In the past, the town has also had mining competitions.
Location: Southern Arizona. From Tucson, follow the interstate south to Benson.
From Benson, south to Bisbee. This is a border town.
Notes: this is an isolated section of Arizona, so although the town is well-visited, the surrounding areas are remote. If you're not familiar with the area or prepared for contingencies, don't go traipsing off into the backcountry, even if you have GPS. |